From one big sister to the next…

From one big sister to the next…

“An older sister is a friend and a defender – a listener, conspirator, a counselor, and a sharer of delights. And sorrows too.”

Pam Brown

Dear Gracee Rae (soon to be big sister):

You sweet girl are your mama and daddy’s whole world! From the day we laid our eyes on you, we were forever changed for nothing but the better. I always tell you, how I have never seen your daddy turn to complete “mush” like he did on the day they put you in his arms.

Our world is about to grow again love bug and you’re probably thinking the same thing I am, but how? How can I love someone the way I love you? How can I have any more room in my heart for another little person to steal any part of it? How can our whole world become the Peterson Party of 4? And between me and you – a little boy? Excuse me?

Don’t worry sweet girl, mama was once in your shoes and guess what? Our world is only about to get better with the addition of your little brother. It will be shaky at first. I remember thinking I wanted to just go live at my Nana and Papa’s when your Auntie came home as my little sister, because she was stealing all the attention that was once mine. But in the end, I learned that it was okay to share the attention and then I quickly learned that attention wasn’t the only thing I was going to share.

Yes, sharing is lesson #1 of being a big sister. First you share the attention, then your room, some of your toys, treats, and more. I can’t lie to you, this is not an easy lesson to learn, but thankfully you are having a little brother, so you won’t have to share your clothes and then find them in your sister’s closet weeks/months later.

Sharing is not all bad though. I could not imagine not having my little sister to share life with! She was and is my best friend. She’s the one who will always be on my team, as we will go bat for each other no matter what. (Ask Auntie about being the little freshman in the hallways, trying to trip your daddy after one of our many high school breakups 😉 ). She’s the one who will always listen – knowing when to respond and when I just need to share what I am thinking. Finally, my little sister is the one I have shared life with and understands me like no one else.

There will be a day, when your little brother will be the one you share moments with that you wouldn’t imagine sharing with your parents. He’ll be the one you share all your tips and tricks of how to best deal with us. He’ll be the one that you share jokes that only the two of you will laugh at. Little brother will be the one you share stories and secrets with when you think no one else will understand. The two of you will create memories that only the two of you will share, and that is something beyond special.

Your daddy and I have complete confidence in knowing that you will be the best big sister! You already show us how big of heart you have for “your people”. You love family! You love helping! You love playing! You are so thoughtful, caring, and are growing a sense of responsibility every day; leaving us with no doubt that you will adapt to the role of big sister so easily.

But there is one thing I never ever want you forget – you may be becoming a big sister, but you will forever be my little girl. You will remain my very best friend, who holds my hand as we skip into Target together and search through the Barbie aisle, before looking for a new dress that may not be in our collection already. You will always be my go-to dance partner, when our Disney/Trolls playlist comes on. And your cuddles will always be something that fills your mama’s heart in one split second.

I feel so blessed that my heart gets to grow to make room for your little brother and I am beyond thankful for the opportunity to be able to witness the moment when your two world’s collide as siblings. Because the two of you, along with your daddy, make this mama’s world complete.

We love you more than you will ever know little one.


Mama (your Auntie’s big sister)